Pay history, including printable pay stubs
Update your direct deposit information
Check your hours
Job search websites have become one of the most popular tools for job seekers and employers alike. With thousands of listings across various industries and locations, job boards offer a…
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Searching for a job can be a challenging and sometimes frustrating experience, especially when it stretches over weeks or even months. The initial excitement and optimism can give way to…
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Graduating from college is a major milestone. After years of hard work, studying and exams, you’ve finally got your degree in hand. But with this accomplishment comes the next big…
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Congratulations! You’ve successfully made it through a job interview. You spent time preparing, showcased your skills and experience and made a strong case for why you’re the perfect fit for…
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Preparing for a job interview can be a daunting task, but being well-prepared can make all the difference. Understanding the common questions asked during interviews and knowing how to answer…
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“My name is Betty Hall and I have had to awesome experiences with The Lee Group. My first encounter I went to the office in Chesapeake and spoke with Sheryl Dinger. She said she needed 3 people to work 2nd shift at TFC recycling I replied no you need 2 people. She then asked if I was a morning or evening person again I replied I’m an unemployed person. I went to work and after being there for 3 months I was hired on permanently.I had been at TFC for a year. Just by luck I ran into Sheryl Dinger. We talked and I told her I was still at TFC and I asked her if she had anything else. She said yes. I put in my resignation at TFC and started working at Coresix. Ater working again for 3 months I became permanent.”