Maxine Sizemore of The Lee Group’s Richmond, Virginia Staffing and Recruitment Office

Keeping a staffing and recruitment operation in Richmond, Virginia running strong and efficiently takes the dedication of a team, and the leadership of a strong administrator of the office.

That’s where Maxine Sizemore comes in. As The Lee Group’s Richmond office’s Administrative Assistant, she keeps things moving.

Here’s more about what drives her toward excellence.

What was your first job?

Educational Supply Auditor – Federal Government.

What is the best job advice you ever received?

Always be yourself and do your best.

What is the best job advice you ever gave?

It’s not about the money, but about getting up each day happy doing what you do.

What are the biggest challenges out there for people searching for jobs today?

For younger people, they need to understand that they are not going to start at the top and they need to make sure they have commitment to a job. For the older generation, navigating the computer process to get their foot in the door.


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