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LinkedIn and Indeed are both important tools in your search to find a new job if used correctly.

About Using LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional online network that allows you to upload information to create a personalized career profile. If you’re looking for a job, your profile should be up-to-date and as detailed as possible. It’s important to have a professional head shot and a headline on your profile that distinguishes who you are and what you’re looking for. Your headline should not be formulaic and include empty words such as “opportunity” or “new job.” Make it unique to you and what you are seeking.

Your professional summary should be specific with dates, duties and ideally, accomplishments. Include volunteer experience and if at all possible, have others recommend and endorse you for your work skills.

Don’t be shy about announcing on LinkedIn that you’re seeking a new professional opportunity.

Review your privacy settings to manage who can see your profile edits and connections and to select the types of messages you’re willing to receive. When searching for jobs, click the jobs icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage and search by keywords. You can set job alerts so you will be aware of new openings. LinkedIn will also suggest jobs based on your qualifications and experience.

About Using Indeed is a search engine for jobs that allows you to type in keywords that include job titles and companies you are seeking to work with in addition to geographic areas. You can also post your resume on Indeed and use all of its features in the Indeed app. Indeed also lets you set up job alerts so new opportunities can be sent to your inbox.

Use the information in the job postings to search companies that you’re interested in working for and explore salaries. Creating an Indeed account is free.

About Using The Lee Group

While both LinkedIn and Indeed can help your job search, working with a top recruiting firm like The Lee Group is invaluable in finding an optimal professional fit.

The Lee Group, a leading staffing firm in Virginia, has built relationships with hiring managers and companies throughout Hampton Roads and Richmond. Its goal is to get the best candidates into specific open positions throughout the region.

When you submit your resume to a staffing agency like The Lee Group, the managers in offices in Newport News, Chesapeake, Virginia Beach and Richmond can see where you might find the best fit based on your location, background and work needs, and they facilitate every aspect of the process.

An elite recruiting firm can also help you strengthen your LinkedIn profile and will be a partner throughout the job search process, helping you land that next position so you can thrive professionally.

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