Brianna Connors knows how it feels to work a job that isn’t a perfect fit.

That’s why as a Staffing Manager at Global Workforce Solutions, a subsidiary of The Lee Group, she’s driven to match candidates with career positions they enjoy.

“I genuinely like getting to know candidates, figuring out their long term goals and where they want to be,” Brianna says. “I like being there for that part. At the end of the day, we’re here to change people’s lives and make sure we’re getting them off on the right foot.”

Growing up in Norfolk, Brianna thought she wanted to be a lawyer but switched to physical therapy. Nearing completion of a program for that, she discovered that while she liked to be hands on with people, that didn’t mean literally!

“I’m a people person and I found that I really like helping people from the business side,” she says.

Brianna worked in two positions for sales and customer service but was furloughed during the pandemic. That coincided with a return to Virginia after moving to Georgia with her husband, Tyler, who is active-duty Army. After contacting The Lee Group, she was matched with an internal recruiting position. Despite a move necessitated by the military, Brianna is able to work remotely from Killeen, Texas, for her current Staffing Manager role.

Using video technology, Brianna is able source and find candidates for open positions and manage a staff that shares the same goal. She breaks down the interview process by taking a thorough deep dive into candidates, learning their motivators and long-term goals in addition to their personal tastes, priorities and skillset.

“I love the fact that I’m able to help people be stable and happy,” she says. “I’m in a really good spot. I love my job.”

Outside of work, Brianna is a mom to one daughter, 2-year-old Charlie. She’s passionate about her “gentle giant,” a Boxer/Pit Bull mix, Jemma; and a tabby she rescued named Merlin. She carves out time for hiking, reading mysteries and watching a good horror movie.

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