Do you have an upcoming interview? Are you looking for ways to be sure your interview goes well? We asked our Staffing Managers to give advice on what not to do in an interview. They gave us a list of 10 things that they would want any individual coming in their office for an interview to remember!

  1. Bring a copy of your resume with you and a few questions to ask the company
  2. Dress professionally.  This means, NO FLIP FLOPS or open toed shoes
  3. Do not chew gum
  4. Turn your cell phone to silent.  Not vibrate because it’s still very distracting when your pocket or handbag  is vibrating during the interview
  5. Do not fidget or rock back and forth.
  6. Be prepared to talk about your strengths AND weaknesses.  People want to talk all day about what they’re good at, but many draw a blank when asked what they can improve on.
  7. Know the name of the person you’re interviewing with.
  8. Make sure your resume doesn’t have typos or miss-spellings, especially when you list that attention to detail is a quality you have.
  9. Don’t ask the interviewer for your resume back
  10. Follow up with a thank you email.

Every interview is different, but if you are prepared it will make the process a lot easier for you. Apply online with us and get a chance to sit in front of one of our Staffing Managers!


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