In the vibrant world of hospitality, where guest satisfaction is paramount, staffing plays a crucial role in shaping the guest experience. It can’t just be bodies, though. It must be…
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How people make you feel is memorable. Maya Angelou said that, and the hospitality industry lives by that core value. It requires a dedication to providing exceptional service, creating unforgettable…
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Up. Down. Busy. Slow. In the dynamic landscape of business, seasonal fluctuations are a reality that many industries face. Whether it’s retail, tourism, hospitality, or even agriculture, there are periods…
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Our crystal ball is broken at The Lee Group, but fortunately we have something better in looking ahead to the new year. We’ve been a top staffing and executive search…
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Building a seasonal staffing talent pool and establishing strong relationships with potential seasonal employees are crucial for your business’s success during peak seasons. Here’s how to create and nurture a…
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Congratulations on hiring your seasonal staff before the rush. Don’t overlook the importance of training to ensure no bumps in your customer service experience. Keep this checklist handy when seasonal…
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Navigating the peaks of seasonal workforce demand is a critical challenge for many industries. While customer service is always a priority, it’s especially important not to have disruption in your…
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The most successful businesses have this in common: They adapt. Sometimes that relates to technology or customer demands. But it can also relate to staffing and the ebbs and flows…
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If you work in the multi-faceted hospitality industry, you know how busy it can be at certain times of the year. Summer can be hectic as can right before the…
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Sure. Possessing the right technical skills is essential when hunting for a new job. But it’s often the soft skills that set candidates apart and determine their success in the…
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