Starting with stretches, exercises you can perform at your desk will free up your creativity, energy, and productivity. features some excellent ideas to reduce headaches, back pain, and listlessness….
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Sweatshops are actually counterproductive in reaching higher numbers and profitability. Why? Because as the human brain fatigues, all the body and mental functions slow down too. Americans create their own…
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Sitting at a desk eight or more hours a day without stretching isn’t a good idea. Oxygen and blood flow through the body, heart, and brain help creativity and productivity….
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How intriguing this question has been asked for thousands of years and yet the debate continues. You know what that means, don’t you? That greatness is both born and made….
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Good habits build success. We hear it all the time. But what happens if no one ever taught you how to create those good habits? Emotions can trigger the brain…
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Employee benefits are important to both employees and employers. But did you know employers that offer education as part of the benefit package have loyal employees and stronger growing companies?…
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